
This website is intended to serve as a repository of information for the benefit of the global sport community in connection with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  This repository is part of a broader emerging initiative by GAISF (Global Association of Sports Federations) to raise awareness of the growing importance of protecting athlete and other sport stakeholders privacy and to ensure that the operation of the newly launched .sport top-level domain is done in a best in class manner.

This platform is ment to be a collaborative tool and we invite you to submit all questions you may have on GDPR at gdpr@gaisf.sport and we will answer them in the FAQ section.

For the avoidance of any doubt, nothing associated with the provisioning of information on this page should be construed as legal advice.

Why personal data protection is important?

Are you impacted?

GDPR Background

Workshop presentations

Tools and softwares

Law firms resources

Agenda of workshops



Maison du Sport International
Avenue de Rhodanie 54
CH-1007 Lausanne Switzerland




+ 41 (0) 21 612 30 70